Wednesday 29 October 2014

my mother and I

basically, ever since a young age my mother and i have never got along. we have always been like chalk and cheese and I'm ALWAYS in the wrong. she never admits to anything and is ALWAYS CORRECT. she over reacts on absolutely everything and I'm always to blame! I have had enough.


  1. Hi. Saw your comment on my blog , and now Im following your blog. ^^ I like your blog too.

  2. Hey you and me both gal, mother's the same way the only way to deal with it is to stay quiet just let her have her way, unless it's truly important to where u didn't lie and she's saying u did, then stand up for yourself, I know that nagging feeling when u know your in the right and she's WRONG, eats at you so much that u want scream at her but by all MEANS DON'T TOUCH HER if she's going to hit u run for bathroom! And stay there till dad gets home! Because if u touch his wife most likely he'll take her side so respect her...eigther tell him the situation or just act like nothing happen
